About the Institute

Strengthen the institutional capacity of partners and allies’ security sectors to advance U.S. national policy interests and address shared security challenges.

Promote and advance American values, interests, and objectives through the development, integration, and advancement of the field and practice of Institutional Capacity Building.
Our Structures
Established in April 2019, ISG is headquartered in Monterey, CA, co-located on Naval Support Activity Monterey, with personnel based at the Defense Security Cooperation University (DSCU) campus in Arlington, VA, near geographic combatant commands, and at other locations throughout the United States. As a component of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), ISG is the Department of Defense’s leading implementer for Institutional Capacity Building and one of its primary international schoolhouses.

ISG Team
The ISG team is comprised of over 100 civilian government faculty and staff, plus a contract support team of approximately 50 personnel. It is augmented by a robust group of adjunct faculty and a team of subject matter experts drawn from the military, government, industry, academia, and non-governmental organizations.

Our Symbols
Get to know the bold and bright ISG logo by hovering over the list of elements at right. Each component of this key symbol reveals a little more about the ideals and standards that guide our work.
The Heron
The great blue heron is our unofficial mascot. Its image may be seen on this website and in our publications, just as the real bird often appears on the front lawn of ISG headquarters in Monterey, California. Herons traditionally represent partnership, exploration, intelligence, guidance, determination, and transformation-- all of which we hope to embody as an organization.

Our Foundation
Prior to 2019, ISG was known as the Center for Civil-Military Relations (CCMR). Founded in 1994 as an academic center at the Naval Postgraduate School, CCMR was designed to strengthen civil-military relationships in democracies worldwide. Over its 25-year history, CCMR proved itself responsive to civil-military challenges and adaptive to the changing global security landscape. Alongside partner nations, CCMR engaged on complex issues such as defense transformation, stability and support operations, peacekeeping, combating terrorism, acquisition and resource management, maritime security, and defense governance and management.
In October 2024, the Institute celebrated its 30th anniversary. Learn more about the history of ISG and its predecessor organizations in “The Institute for Security Governance: A Look at Three Decades of Impact.”