ISG Fundamentals of Maritime Security
June 21, 2024
Congratulations to the latest cohort of the Institute for Security Governance's "Fundamentals of Maritime Security" graduates. This course is structured to provide participants with the strategic context shaping the maritime space in the early 21st century; an overview of various maritime transnational threats; risk and governance self-assessment exercises; maritime domain awareness; and strategies and solutions for governments to effectively prevent, prepare for, and manage the consequences of various maritime threats.
The Maritime Security (MARSEC) functional area at the Institute for Security Governance tailors each of its courses to the specific conditions and requirements of the selected audience, focusing on strategic and operational levels.
Objectives include:
♦ Understand the various “drivers” impacting global maritime security in the early 21st century
♦ Understand transnational maritime threats and trends, e.g., piracy; terrorism; smuggling and trafficking; and illegal,
unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing
♦ Evaluate and prioritize their national and regional maritime transnational threats and risks
♦ Assess their nation’s maritime governance strengths and weaknesses
♦ Understand the elements of maritime strategy development at operational and strategic levels
♦ Describe best practices to recruit, vet, train, assign, and retain talented maritime security professionals
To learn more about courses offered through the Institute for Security Governance, visit the SCHOOLHOUSE INFORMATION HUB
#MaritimeSecurity #UnitedStatesCoastGuard #Monterey #DSCU